How many times have you heard the phrase “content is king”? This phrase refers to the fact that at the end of the day, no matter how well the code is optimized and no matter the number of back links we obtain through link building, your site will not be indexed without good content, that speaks to your site’s focus. Since Google and the other search engines are text-based, Search Engine Optimized content in the form of unique, relevant, keyword-rich text on your pages makes all the difference in the world.

An SEO campaign with SEOP includes not only optimization of your site’s existing content pages; but ongoing content creation to support current and future keywords. The search engines like to see expanding websites, updated with content on a regular basis- and increasing the number of relevant, indexed pages will not only encourage the spiders to visit the site more often, but allow end Users to find your content- meaning your site- as well.
Content isn’t just for the spiders, however. While we do write content with the idea of supplying them with what they are looking for, content is also produced with an eye towards branding your site and products on the Internet. We produce content with the idea in mind that it’s so compelling, that other bloggers, journalists and webmasters will want to link to your site- adding greatly to your site’s authority in the eyes of the spiders.
The amount of content created and optimized is standard with all of our campaigns, but the quantity will vary depending on your budget. Our talented team of copywriters will produce onsite content- articles, blog posts, and the like- as well as offsite content to include press releases and syndicated articles- both to drive traffic and to inform the User.