At SEOP, we believe that giving you total access into your campaign is the best way for us to succeed. The process starts with a detailed web site analysis that includes information about how your site is positioned compared to your competition, illuminates your site’s strengths and weaknesses, and outlines how to best proceed to get you results. We also give you a clear picture of your site’s visibility on the web, using data to detail the strengths and weaknesses of your site versus your competitors’ sites. This initial benchmarking data allows you to closely monitor progress over the life of the campaign- our policy of total transparency allows you to feel confident that we’re working on your campaign to the best of our abilities.

After that, we provide detailed, bi-monthly reports about our progress on an ongoing basis, including onsite and offsite content reports, reports detailing back links we’ve obtained during the previous month, and updated ranking reports, showing you the progress of the campaign as it moves along. In this manner, you are able to track progress on a bimonthly basis- you’ll always know where your campaign stands. Many other SEO companies simply deliver a quarterly ranking report and nothing else, asking that you “trust them” to do what’s right. We show you what we’re doing, and the transparency of the process ensures that you are never left in the dark.