Get Chia

The Challenge
The client contacted SEOP after having a bad experience with past service provider from both a revenue and transparency perspective. The client had no idea of the day to day operations associated with the SEM Strategy and campaign methodology. The client is a Chia Seed E-commerce web property based out of Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca. that provides a wide verity of Chia Seed based products to the health-conscious consumer.
Upon meeting with the client it became obvious that a more transparent approach was warranted due to the historical experiences so a Web X calendared appointment was established as well at the forefront so client-side participation was seamless and production began with that in mind.
The action plan consisted of many fronts, first and foremost was leveraging the existing data in the SEM campaigns in conjunction with new strategies based on organic and a healthy lifestyle. The campaigns were revamped and launched within days after taking ownership of the project. While the campaigns were under construction there were many visual updates made to the site globally as well as the shopping cart needed addressed. The shopping cart was a one-step process with no express check out and the data at hand was lacking due to the current cart solution so a new cart solution was adapted that included a 3 step process that included the express option as data shows that over 75% of buyers pick this method. The contextual networks were leveraged utilizing current assets across multiple network s to health-conscious consumers. The international market was non-existent so a dedicated strategy was placed in queue for asset creation and a launch date was established.
The Results
The result of the action items increased daily transaction by 370% in the US market alone, the international market now makes up 17% of total sales. The cost per sold item was r educed by 24% while the average order value increased by 37% globally. The Web X continues to this day on a monthly basis.