Brake Performance

The Challenge
Brake Performance is an online performance brake rotor and brake Accessories Company based solely online based in southern California. The client contacted SEOP in 2009 with the desire to increase the sales volume and grow the business according to the market share that was forecasted by internal management.
SEOP conducted forensic online analysis and confirmed the market share indeed was there and the client was positioned for positive growth above previously forecasted modeling. The analysis had shown that a multi-channel approach would be needed to achieve the client’s goals so a plan of action was put in place with extensive client participation.
The action plan incorporates a dynamic website enhancement project that insured a better user experience in conjunction with shopping cart optimization tactics. Upon the completion of our propriety, online forensic audit on the current paid advertising campaigns a plan of action was put in place that would achieve both core objectives that the client desired. The audit had shown core paid search architecture and analytical data needed to be addressed as the analytical data being provided was inaccurate and the adverting campaigns needed reconstruction to stop the inefficacies while allocating budgets in new directions to increase both lower cost per acquisitions and large scalability.
The action plan consisted of a dual prong approach to achieve maximum efficiency from a timeline perspective. The analytical goals were re-established and configured utilizing in house and client-side resources, resulting in accurate ROI reporting. New advertising directives were instituted with new online strategizes based on data that the analytical pieces were reporting. New campaigns were launched with best of bread architecture to ensure maximum performance.
The Results
The result of the swift execution of both core action items resulted in an increase all core matrix directives established with client. The cost per conversion was reduced over 150% and the quarterly budgets have been increased by 30% to keep pace with current growth projections.